Saturday, November 19, 2011

LA Review of Books: The Educational Lottery by Steven Brint

On the four kinds of heretics attacking the gospel of education. "In short, we will need to turn our backs on assumptions of our most fervent boosters of universal higher education: that access alone is the primary purpose, and that when students and teachers are co-present, education occurs. The challenge will be to reweave the uneven and tattered undergraduate experience in more durable and vivid patterns."

LA Review of Books: The Educational Lottery by Steven Brint

On the four kinds of heretics attacking the gospel of education. "In short, we will need to turn our backs on assumptions of our most fervent boosters of universal higher education: that access alone is the primary purpose, and that when students and teachers are co-present, education occurs. The challenge will be to reweave the uneven and tattered undergraduate experience in more durable and vivid patterns."

Friday, November 18, 2011

Privatizing Liberty

State of Siege USA: Why Would They Target #Occupy Now?

"I'm Getting Arrested" App Creators Slammed With Feature Requests

Mimicking synapses in silicon

More news for cyborgs.

Google Music, iTunes Match, and Amazon Cloud Drive: Digital Music Services Comparison

Google Music, iTunes Match, and Amazon Cloud Drive: Digital Music Services Comparison